Management Jargon

Some more wordology! I found these charmers via Thad at the Monster blog. I'll just repeat the phrases themselves, feel free to visit the post for the definitions.

“At the end of the day”
“The 50,000-foot perspective”
“Pushing the envelope”
“Making lemonade out of lemons”
“All things being equal”
“All people being perfect individuals…”

I've never heard of the 50,000-foot perspective though?!? On the same subject, Zef Hemel wrote a post looking at the deployment of such jargon and how smart people ensure that...

Their convincing strategy consists of firing relevant and irrelevant facts at you at an unbelievable pace. They continue doing this until you give up and you say “ok, you’re probably right.”

Hopefully we're all now better off to combat such oral assaults 🙂

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